Iron Mineral Supplement
Iron is called the "energy-giver." It attracts oxygen and builds blood. It is necessary to produce hemoglobin. It is essential for recovery from illness. It helps the body to rid itself of carbon dioxide and keeps liver tissue soft. Iron is one of the most common deficiencies in people today.Some other signs of Iron deficiency are:
- Anemia
- Anorexia
- Constipation
- Dizziness
- General debility
- Growth retardation
- Headaches
SUGGESTED USE: 1 teaspoon daily.
NOTE: This product is completely absorbable, will not interfere with any medications, and suitable for vegetarian and hypoallergenic applications. Using minerals in higher concentrations and combinations offers some of the most powerful healing benefits known to man because of their ability to eliminate sickness and disease. Due to the many variables in the metabolism of each individual striving for homeostasis the healing response time using the dietary mineral supplements will vary from person to person. Some people have remarkable results while other people are unable to notice any effects during the same time period.
Mineral Supplement Products
Combination Mineral Supplements
Individual Mineral Supplements